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Perhaps the most important and the best feature of the Telegram app is its security. It is based on the MTProto protocol that is built upon time-tested algorithms. It enables high-speed, reliable message delivery on weak connections. I have been using Telegram for a long time. It’s straightforward, and most Telegram features save time and make my day-to-day life so much easier. Request to join a public group

Terminate old sessions Set Reminders Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ. You'll have four options to choose from:

Prices start as low as Rs 2.5 per day CLICK HERE FOR MORE After the recent update, it seems Telegram is not just a messaging service, but an all-encompassing utility to solve all your problems. It already has a powerful photo editor and now the company has brought some advanced tools to edit videos as well. Here is how you can use it. Just open a chat and select the desired video that you want to send. After that, tap on the tuning icon to open the new video editor. Here, you can adjust saturation, contrast, exposure, and more. There is even an RGB curve which is just amazing. I would say if you want a video editor for color correction and enhancing the look then Telegram has you covered with this awesome trick. Lock Your Chats

Telegram Saved Files To find more themes, Android users can try the Themes for Telegram app. If you use an iPhone, have a look at the Telegram Themes subreddit.

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